Sunday, 6 June 2010

Stoke Goldington Steam Rally – 8th/9th May 2010

Once again the Pre-School were on hand to welcome everyone to the annual Steam Rally dressed as Stokie Bear and handing out balloons to all the children ... and even some of the adults not ready to grow up just yet!

Saturday brought rain but our spirits weren’t dampened as we all fought to wear the bear suit to keep warm! The bear head proved a good method for defrosting some chilled little ears.

We greeted hundreds of visitors to the Rally and also sold over 100 sunflower seeds for our Annual Sunflower Competition. The highlight of the day for some was returning the mobility scooters hired out at the Rally to their lockup for the night .... as I said before, some adults just never grow up!

1 comment:

Jo Pitkethly said...

What a great weekend, and lovely sunshine on the Sunday!